Mineral Park Contracts For 52,963,526 Pounds Of Copper


VANCOUVER, BC - Mercator Minerals Ltd reported that further to the previous proposed business combination between Mercator and Intergeo MMC Ltd. in accordance with the terms of the amended and restated Mineral Park Credit Facility associated with the Transaction, Mineral Park Inc. has entered into copper forward sale contracts totaling 52,963,526 pounds with deliveries due to commence under the contracts effective May 1, 2014. The new hedging program was designed to closely resemble the volumes of the original hedging program closed out in October 2013.

Associated with the amended and restated Mineral Park Credit Facility, MPI has entered into a termination claim facility (TCF) of $19,882,532. The TCF reflects the liability as a result of the close out of the copper hedge positions in October 2013 by the lenders of the Mineral Park Credit Facility.